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You Are Our Super Hero

We are looking for a member who will make Global Top Product on a global stage.

Open Job

Our Location

Super Hero Unite | Silicon Valley | US

Super Hero Comapny | Seoul | Korea

If you want to be a person who changes the world, you are our team member.

세상을 변화시키는 주인공, 자신의 분야에 글로벌 리드를 향해 달려가시는 분이라면,
저희의 동료 입니다.

We provide an environment where you can only immerse yourself in your work, the treatment that matches your passion and skills.

우리는 여러분의 열정과 실력에 걸맞는 대우,
오로지 업무에만 몰입할 수 있는 환경을 제공합니다.

We Innovate The World Through The Harmony of Technology and Art. 

We Innovate The World Through The Harmony of Technology and Art. 

We Innovate The World Through The Harmony of Technology and Art. 

We Innovate The World Through The Harmony of Technology and Art. 

We Innovate The World Through The Harmony of Technology and Art. 

We Innovate The World Through The Harmony of Technology and Art. 

Global Top Benefit

We aim for the highest level of benefit where you can concentrate on your work.
업무에 전념할 수 있는 최고수준의 복지를 지향합니다.

World Best Team

You can work with the most outstanding colleagues you can meet.
여러분이 만날 수 있는 가장 뛰어난 동료들과 함께 일합니다.

All the members are Super Heroes

We grow up in mutual respect and consideration.
평등한 문화와 상호 존중과 배려속에서 성장합니다.